Does Boxing Tone Your Body?
There are a plethora of misconceptions people have around the notion of toning out their body; from the idea that doing specific workouts to hit areas of the body with more fat will help cut down fat there (“spot reducing) to the notion that putting muscle on will make someone look too large and bulky, there is no shortage of misinformation to wade through. The truth is that it is impossible to spot reduce fat, we lose fat evenly across our body, and muscle growth will not make you a monster overnight. However, if toning your body is the goal, combining cardio with lean muscle growth is the fast track to a toned body. Boxing is the perfect combination, mixed together in a fun, fast paced setting!
Full-Body Workout
Boxing is an extremely demanding activity; your upper body, core, and lower body work in unison to deliver strong blows while keeping you mobile on your feet. This constant use of muscle puts strain on them, causing them to build back bigger, increasing the total lean body mass on your frame. Coupled with the fact that boxing is extremely cardiovascular intensive, have you ever seen someone not be covered in sweat …